nuerodivergent & creative af

nuerodivergent & creative af

meet erin

I’m a queer, neurodivergent midwestern, 10 time author who takes a lot of nudes in her free time.

I’m in my gifts when I am helping people fine tune and articulate their vision through social media and messaging strategies. 

I was in the first crop of folks to be “influencers” before that was a thing. 14 years and 150k platforms later— I know the emotional toll and how to make a message move. 

my other jobs have ranged wildly from service industry to a long stint in social work to marketing director and you and i both know that your best and most creative work doesn’t come while you’re under someone else’s thumb. that’s why we’re both here. to do shit our own way.

i am hell bent on being divested from “professionalism” which means I’m significantly more interested in what we’re creating together than what kind of collar either of us are wearing while we do it.

I love entrepreneurship because it allows me to create systems that work for me. to move freely in my wild ideas. to leverage the way my brain works for creative endeavors. and to help other people find their way to their best work and out of systems that prioritize profit over people.

other things you might like to know

  • ENFP.



  • ACES SCORE: 3.

  • Enneagram 8/4.

  • Burlesque dancer, “Naomi tops”

  • somebody’s mom

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